Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My awesome, awesome kids




I couldn't be luckier.

They are 13 years old, and the joy of my life.

I miss Dylan every single day of my life, and my biggest regret is that I don't have 2 clones who could have helped to make him and his sisters safe at home.

Rachel is most likely the most intelligent person I will ever meet in my life- all of her test scores, workers and teachers and friends agree on that. Life with her is never, ever boring.

Kirsten is now 3 year post-cancer, and doing awesomely. 4 years ago on Boxing Day we had to shave her head because her hair was starting to fall out...damn, she's come a long way since then. Her automatic openness and empathy to people who are "different" from her always put me to shame. I do it from conviction and theory desire, she does it without even thinking of it.

Yes, they're all autistic, and yes, it's difficult for all of us a lot of the time. But we manage to muddle through, and still love each other, and contribute to the world around us, and bring joy to some of the people that we meet (I think that the joy part is inspired by them, not me!) With the help of an absolutely amazing husband, my kids make my life blessed.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a very awesome playground! Right now the cold weather is really making it harder to deal with C, because we can't spend hours outside each day for him to run around. Without that climbing and running around time it seems to be very difficult to keep him from climbing the walls. McDonalds play places and mall play places work ok for now, but when he gets a bit older we'll have to figure something else out. Too bad they don't have places like that here!