Panda Babies
Yep, I'm sappy this weekend.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
The 10 Plagues Finger Puppets
Bible study doesn't get any more fun than this!
Well, unless you're studying Jack Bauer and the Old Testament God
at Ship of Fools. It's a consistently great Christian site with a thoughtful, knowledgeable, and very non-judgemental community. I'm not even Christian, but it's so nice to see rational Christians in action that I'm a pretty regular lurker there.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Another great one from Ze
neutered dog haikus
(language isn't great for kids!)
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Free implants with every credit card!
Plastic Assets - Invest in Your Breasts
AND you get a free lip injection if you refer friends.
Well done (and funny as hell)
Connecticut Bill Would Force Catholic Hospitals to Give Morning After Pill
Connecticut Bill Would Force Catholic Hospitals to Give Morning After Pill
Imagine that...a health care facility being forced to provide health care.
Freaky and great!
The Song Tapper
It found 6/7 of the songs I entered on the first try! If you can't remember a song, you tap in the rhythm using your space bar, and the site gives you a list of suggestions for song titles. Unfortunately for me, it's usually after a few glasses of wine when I become obsessed with finding a specific song, and I doubt if my rhythm will be that great.
Very neat toy!
How to put Bunnies in a Trance
n case you ever need to know
Why can't they come up with something like this for kids?
Monday, March 06, 2006
30 Second Bunnies Theatre Troupe
The Bunnies finally do Brokeback Mountain
They've actually got a lot of new movies on the site...great stuff!
People with a lot of time on their hands
A guide to constructed languages.
As if we don't have enough problems communicating, people apparently make up a LOT of new languages. Obviously I'd heard of Klingon and the Tolkien ones, but I had no idea that this is such a seemingly popular pastime. Of course, among the "serious" entrants, there's also Kine, the language of politically minded cows.
Stick Man Movie Scenes
If anyone can figure out all of the answers to this,
please let me know!
The Vinyl Cafe
Vinyl Cafe
One of the best radio shows ever, in my opinion. And you can listen online Sundays at 12:00 pm EST...give it a shot!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
A Good Cause
The New Orleans Public Library is looking for donations of funds OR books to help in their rebuilding.
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