YouTube - Crazy Cat Attacking Spuds Dog
Bull Terriers are the best dogs ever- they're either frighteningly intelligent, or not intelligent at ALL. But they've all got personality to burn- this isn't a bad
example :-)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Crazy Cat Attacking Spuds Dog
Friday, November 14, 2008
Play brings autism into focus A & E: Story: Play brings autism into focus
Interesting- I would like to see this. Hopefully the University will videotape it and I can get it through inter-library loan at some point!
Doesn't it always figure? I just found their tour schedule and they were in the city right next to mine last night.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Forum sheds light on new methods in autism care
Forum sheds light on new methods in autism care
This is great news- I get very excited when I see new conferences and initiatives in parts of the world where autism care and research is not as prevalent.
In a Novel Theory of Mental Disorders, Parents’ Genes Are in Competition
In a Novel Theory of Mental Disorders, Parents’ Genes Are in Competition -
Fascinating- I couldn't even make a guess whether they're on the right track, but it sounds like it's going to spur discussion.
Monday, November 10, 2008
FDR, stamp collecting, Obama, and Curly the Barber
Greg Laden's Blog : My Friend Curly and the President Elect
(I'm still half-asleep, but I'm assuming that this has to be a parable).
Write In My Journal
Write In My Journal
This is fascinating- a man just asks different people to write in her journal. I'm going to spend some reading time here today.
(Edited because the author is a guy!)