Friday, September 05, 2008

So much for reddit being female friendly :-( with a new and shiny update celebrity news that matters to you

I can't believe that with the number of smart women who are regular participants on, they decide to build a site like this. I don't care about an entertainment site, but why the hell is it pink and frilly?

Disillusionment is not fun.

(Apparently was founded before reddit was bought by Conde Nast. They were supposedly trying out things to see what would sell, and they were bought before this was one of the options....thank God).

I feel a bit better now- I'd really enjoyed it for the past few years, but it's always fun to be able to keep the economic considerations in the BACK of your mind.

For the record (as I said above) "Reddit had been SO much more female-friendly- you could actually go an entire day without hearing an anti-woman comment, and the level of discussion was just quite a bit higher"

Which was why I was so shocked when I saw this stupid thing. I'm still having a blast on reddit, and I'm glad that this thing was "pre-me". Allow me to keep my illusions as long as I can.

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Anonymous said...

The pink is too much for me. I'll stick with

Jen said...

That's why I'm depressed :-( I'd gone to reddit about a year ago after years of being a TotalFarker (I actually met my husband through Fark- there are pictures of the fark party where we met in my profile), but I finally got tired of the misogyny and female-bashing and idiotic comments there.
Reddit had been SO much more female-friendly- you could actually go an entire day without hearing an anti-woman comment, and the level of discussion was just quite a bit higher. That's why it threw me so much when I saw this today- I know that reddit's a Conde Nast company and always looking to expand, but I wasn't expecting them to do it at our expense.

I'm aenea on Fark by the way- I just looked and my profile's still there, with baby pictures :-) Now I want to go back to fark lol

Have a good weekend!