Sunday, May 25, 2008

5 Year Old Autistic boy voted out of class

Teacher lets Morningside students vote out classmate, 5 : St. Lucie County : TCPalm

After each classmate was allowed to say what they didn't like about Barton's 5-year-old son, Alex, his Morningside Elementary teacher Wendy Portillo said they were going to take a vote, Barton said.

By a 14 to 2 margin, the students voted Alex — who is in the process of being diagnosed with autism — out of the class.

I am not sure why this teacher hasn't been fired yet. I can't imagine doing this at any age, but FIVE???? Isn't kindergarten when children are supposed to be learning how to get along with others?

The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network is encouraging people to contact the appropriate school authorities to express their outrage politely.

Morningside Elementary School Principal:
Mrs. Marcia Cully
(772) 337-6730

St. Lucie County Schools Superintendent:
Michael J. Lannon
4204 Okeechobee Road
Ft. Pierce 34947-5414
Phone: 772/429-3925
FAX: 772/429-3916

St. Lucie County School Board Chair:
Carol Hilson

Vice Chair:
Judith Miller

This is appalling- children deserve a better world than what they are being given. Not only Alex, but the children who were taught to "vote him off"...they deserve to be taught about acceptance and differences and tolerance and the wonderful gifts that people who are "different" bring to all of our lives.

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