Thursday, October 25, 2007

Story written using only Cat in the Hat words - Boing Boing

Story written using only Cat in the Hat words - Boing Boing

J Robert Lennon has composed a passable short story using only words found in Dr Seuss's The Cat in the Hat:

My mother was gone. It was a bump on her head, a big bump. I did not know; mother did not tell me. When she did, I fell. "No," I said. "No, not you! Do not go!" But there was no way. She sank fast, that was good. I let her go.

Then one day I saw Sally. We went out for fish. I had cat fish; Sally had something funny, with a big tail.

"What is that thing?" I said.

"This?" A bite. "Fish!"


A shake of the head. "No."

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